
Digital products
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Transforming Digital Presence for Product Squad through Website UX Design and Digital Marketing Services

Product Squad, a prominent player in the professional services industry, sought to elevate its online presence and generate more qualified leads. Recognizing the importance of a user-friendly website and effective digital marketing, they engaged our agency to revamp their website’s user experience (UX) and implement a comprehensive digital marketing strategy.



Product Squad faced challenges in converting website visitors into clients. The existing website lacked an intuitive design, and the digital marketing efforts were not effectively targeting the right audience. Our challenge was to create a compelling and user-centric website while implementing a strategic digital marketing plan to increase visibility and drive qualified traffic.


    1. Enhance the website’s UX to improve user engagement and lead conversion.

    1. Develop a digital marketing strategy to increase online visibility and attract relevant traffic.

    1. Establish a consistent brand identity across digital channels.

    1. Generate qualified leads and nurture them through the sales funnel.



1. Website UX Design:

a. Discovery and Analysis: We conducted a thorough analysis of ABC Consulting’s current website, identifying pain points and areas for improvement. Stakeholder interviews and user feedback were integral to understanding the audience and business goals.

b. User-Centric Design: Based on the insights gained, we developed user personas and crafted wireframes to create a seamless and intuitive user experience. The design focused on clear navigation, compelling content presentation, and easy access to key information.

c. Visual Design and Brand Consistency: Our design team worked on creating a visually appealing interface that aligned with ABC Consulting’s brand. We established a consistent color palette, typography, and imagery, ensuring a cohesive and professional brand identity across the website.

d. Visual Design: Once the wireframes were approved, we moved on to the visual design phase. Our goal was to create a modern and visually appealing interface that aligned with Gist Mobile’s brand identity. This involved color palette selection, typography, iconography, and the creation of custom graphics to enhance the overall look and feel.

2. Digital Marketing Strategy:

a. Target Audience Definition: Through market research and analysis, we defined the target audience segments for ABC Consulting. This allowed us to tailor digital marketing efforts more effectively.

b. SEO Optimization: We conducted a comprehensive SEO audit and implemented on-page and off-page optimization strategies to improve the website’s search engine visibility.

c. Content Marketing: A content marketing plan was implemented, focusing on creating valuable and relevant content to establish Product Squadas an industry authority and attract organic traffic.

d. Paid Advertising Campaigns: Strategic paid advertising campaigns were launched on platforms such as Google Ads and social media channels to drive targeted traffic and generate leads.

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1. Improved Website Metrics: The redesigned website experienced a notable improvement in key metrics, including reduced bounce rates, increased time-on-site, and higher conversion rates.

2. Increased Online Visibility: The implementation of SEO strategies and targeted digital marketing campaigns significantly increased ABC Consulting’s online visibility, leading to a broader reach within the target market.

3. Lead Generation and Conversion: The combination of an improved website and effective digital marketing efforts resulted in a substantial increase in qualified leads. The sales funnel was optimized, leading to higher conversion rates and client acquisitions.

4. Enhanced Brand Image: The cohesive brand identity established across digital channels contributed to an enhanced brand image, fostering trust and credibility among potential clients.

The collaborative efforts of our UX design and digital marketing teams successfully transformed ABC Consulting’s online presence. By focusing on user-centric design principles and implementing a strategic digital marketing plan, we not only addressed the client’s challenges but also contributed to the significant growth of their business. This case study highlights the synergies between website UX design and digital marketing in achieving a holistic and impactful online presence for businesses in the professional services sector.

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